
Keuda Group, Vocational Education and Training is a consortium owned by seven municipalities in South of Finland, close to Helsinki. We offer working life -oriented vocational education and training to the young, the adults and the business life, and development services for the progress of the region.
Keuda is growing and is currently the 6th biggest training provider in Finland, with some 10.000 students attending courses and/or aiming for qualifications. More than half of the students are adults. Our fulltime staff members amount to ca. 720 persons. Keuda won the national yearly quality award in 2021 and has been accredited with Erasmus+ Mobility Charter since 2017.
Training is provided on 11 campuses, in secondary Vocational Education and Training, on EQF-levels 4 (mainly) and 5. Qualifications can be obtained in the following sectors: Wellness and Welfare, Automotive and Transport, Hospitality Services, Business and Commerce, Technology and Construction, and Natural Resources and Environment. Through a digital learning path Keuda promotes and enhances the capacity of our teachers and students to meet the demands of a changing work life. In our curriculum, we actively utilize a variety of digital new technology solutions that encourage students to experiment and adopt technology in a diverse and open-minded manner. New technologies piloted and used include VR, AR, 3D, AI, O365 and robots, among other things.
Read our brochure in English: 2020-Keuda-General-overview.pdf”
For more information please contact:
Fondazione Luigi Clerici

Fondazione Luigi Clerici is a private non-profit organization. It has been carrying out its activities since 1972 by promoting with its over 20 branches training and services to support work placement, with an articulated and customized offer, responsive to the needs of the area and the local production system. FLC aims at promoting the empowerment process of the person at professional and at personal level by offering professional, cultural and social training. FLC focuses on the educational project of the person (understood as citizen and worker) and on the development of methods and training paths through which the realization of its potential in the context of life can be improved. FLC intends to take care of the person as “a whole” by supporting them with a wide range of services, developed ad hoc to meet their needs and by helping them to realize a life- and professional project in harmony with their competences.
For more information please contact:

TEC is the second largest Vocational Training College in Denmark, celebrating this year its 150 years anniversary. TEC is located in Greater Copenhagen on different campuses. Altogether we offer 20 VET programmes, 3 upper secondary technical examination and numerous adult training programmes.
Every year around 25.000 people are trained professionally at TEC. 4.500 students are counted full times students, and we have 775 teachers and staff.
TEC is a multicultural Vocational Training College with close ties to a labour market under a growing Globalization. The increasing trend towards internationalization increases the skill needs for innovation, inter-cultural competencies and a high level of professional specialization.
For more information please contact:

ROC Noorderpoort plays an important role in further developing that area into a confident, strong, and inviting region with a healthy economy, low unemployment rates, and attractive living conditions. We have organized our education in 15 different schools with 15.000 part- and fulltime students and a staff of 1400. Our main fields of education are: energy and maritime; health & social care; wellness, hospitality, tourism & travelling; automotive & logistics; business & admin; art, theatre and media, dance; lab & proces technology.
For more information please contact:

Centro de Formación Somorrostro is an integrated education centre created in 1947, which provides secondary education, 3 levels of Vocational Education and Training (initial, intermediate, and higher VET) and Continuous VET (adult) education, education and training for unemployed people and retraining of employed people).
Currently, Somorrostro trains around 4.000 people and employs 200 professionals being the second largest training center in the Basque Country. The centre comprises 9 buildings including specific workshops and laboratories.